Special Issues

1. Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi

Editors: Giorgio Gubbiotti, Orlando Ragnisco, Paolo Maria Santini and Federico Zullo

Status: Published, February 2024. 

Submission is closed.

Short Description: Sadly Prof. Decio Levi passed away on the 25th of January 2023. In this respect, OCNMP will host a special issue that will contain contributions from colleagues and friends in Prof. Levi's memory. All articles in this issue are related, but not limited to, the research interests of the late Prof. Levi. That is: continuous, semi-discrete and discrete integrable systems, Lie and generalised symmetries of differential and difference equations, and invariant discretisation of differential equations. Some contribution contain personal recollections that revive past collaboration and/or connection with the activities of Prof. Decio Levi.

Contact Person: Dr. Giorgio Gubbiotti <giorgio.gubbiotti@unimi.it>

2. Proceedings of the OCNMP-2024 Conference: Bad Ems (Germany), June 23-29, 2024

Editors: Marianna Euler, Norbert Euler and Giuseppe Gaeta

Call for Papers: All participants are invited to submit their contributions for consideration in this Proceedings that will be published as an OCNMP Special Issue. Submissions are possible from November 1, 2023 until September 1, 2024. An article will be published in this Proceedings as soon as it is accepted following the reviewing process. 

Status: Published.

Submission is closed.

Short Description: This conference, OCNMP-2024, is the first conference organised by the International Society of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. This Proceedings consists of some of the papers that were presented at this conference.

Contact Person: Norbert Euler <Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com>

For detail on the Conference: Click Here.