] o c n m p [Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics |
1. A Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi
Editors: Giorgio Gubbiotti, Orlando Ragnisco, Paolo Maria Santini and Federico Zullo
Status: Published, February 2024.
Submission is closed.
Short Description: Sadly Prof. Decio Levi passed away on the 25th of January 2023. In this respect, OCNMP will host a special issue that will contain contributions from colleagues and friends in Prof. Levi's memory. All articles in this issue are related, but not limited to, the research interests of the late Prof. Levi. That is: continuous, semi-discrete and discrete integrable systems, Lie and generalised symmetries of differential and difference equations, and invariant discretisation of differential equations. Some contribution contain personal recollections that revive past collaboration and/or connection with the activities of Prof. Decio Levi.
Contact Person: Dr. Giorgio Gubbiotti <giorgio.gubbiotti@unimi.it>
2. Proceedings of the OCNMP-2024 Conference: Bad Ems (Germany), June 23-29, 2024
Editors: Marianna Euler, Norbert Euler and Giuseppe Gaeta
Call for Papers: All participants are invited to submit their contributions for consideration in this Proceedings that will be published as an OCNMP Special Issue. Submissions are possible from November 1, 2023 until September 1, 2024. Articles will be published in this Proceedings as soon as it is accepted by the editors following the outcome of the peer reviewing process.
Status: Published.
Submission is closed.
Short Description: This conference, OCNMP-2024, is the first conference organised by the International Society of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. This Proceedings consists of some of the papers that were presented at this conference.
Contact Person: Norbert Euler <Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com>
For detail on the Conference: Click Here.
3. A Special Issue in Honour of Geoge W Bluman
Editor: Norbert Euler
Status: Open for submissions.
Call for Papers: This Special Issue is now open for submissions and will remain open until November 1st, 2025. Articles will be published as soon as they are accepted by the editor following a positive outcome of the usual strict peer reviewing process of OCNMP. To submit your article for this Special Issue, follow the usual instructions provided on the OCNMP website. Please include a cover letter with your submission to indicate that the article is intended for the Special Issue dedicated to Professor Bluman.
Short description: This Special Issue is dedicated to Professor George W Bluman for his outstanding contributions in the theory of differential equations, whereby his main focus has been on symmetry analysis of nonlinear differential equations. His books on symmetries are well known and used in advanced courses of differential equations worldwide. George's many excellent research contributions and results led to numerous novel methods for analysing and solving nonlinear equations. George is currently Professor Emeritus after retiring recently from his position as Full Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Contact Person: Norbert Euler <Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com>
4. A Special Issue in Honour of Wilhelm I Fuschich
Editors: Marianna Euler and Norbert Euler
Status: Open for Submissions.
Call for Papers: This Special Issue is now open for submissions and will remain open until May 1st, 2026. Aricles will be publised as soon as they are accepted by the editors following a positive outcome of the usual strict peer reviewing process at OCNMP. To submit your article to this issue, follow the usual instructions provided on the OCNMP website and please include a cover letter to indicate that your article is intended for the Special Issue dedicated for Professor Fushchich.
Short description: With this Special Issue we commemorate the late Professor Wilhelm I Fushchich on the occasion of his 90th anniversary. Wilhelm was born on December 18, 1936, and died on April 7, 1997 at the young age of 60. He was a prominent Professor at the Kiev Institute of Mathematics of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, where he established a group of experts in the subject of Lie symmetry analysis with focus on nonlinear differential equations. Wilhelm's large number of fundamental research contributions continues to have an important impact in this field of research. As far as we know, Wilhelm was the first to name this research direction "Nonlinear Mathematical Physics".
Contact person: Norbert Euler <Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com>
5. A Special Issue in Honour of Jarmo Hietarinta
Editors: Norbert Euler, Rafael Hernandez Heredero and Da-jun Zhang
Status: Open for Submissions.
Call for Papers: This Special Issue is now open for submissions and will remain open until May 1st, 2026. Articles will be accepted as soon as they are accepted by the editors following a positive outcome of the usual strict peer reviewing process at OCNMP. To submit your article to this issue, follow the usual instuctions provided on the OCNMP website and please include a cover letter to indicate that your article is intended for the Special Issue dedicated to Jarmo Hietarinta.
Short Description: This Special Issue is in honour of Professor Jarmo Hietarinta on the occasion of his 80th birthday in July 2026. Jarmo is currently Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, where he was Full Professor of Theoretical Physics from 1998 to 2013. He has made outstanding contributions in the subject of nonlinear mathematical physics, whereby his emphasis has mainly been on integrable continuous and discrete dynamical systems. In particular, Jarmo's work has focused on the search for integrable systems of various forms, including Hamiltonian mechanics, Hirota bilinear forms, Yang-Baxter and tetrahedron equations, as well as lattice equations. He was instrumental in the setting up of the nlin.SI category in the arXiv (arxiv.org) and created the web pages for the SIDE (Symmetry and Integrability of Difference Equations) conference series: http://side-conference.net
Contact person: Norbert Euler <Dr.Norbert.Euler@gmail.com>
Note: A further Special Issue in Honour of Athanassios S Fokas will be announced here later this year.