Formatting and Indexing

This journal is published in open access format as an archive overlay journal. There are no article processing charges, so all authors publish their papers free of any charges, of course only after the papers have been reviewed and accepted by the editors of this journal.

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This journal is indexed by zbMATH and by Scopus , and it is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). On March 13,2025, OCNMP was acccepted by the AMS for indexing in Mathematical Reviews / MathSciNet. All OCNMP articles, starting from Volume 1, 2021, are currently being uploaded to MathSciNet.

Of course, all articles published in OCNMP are registed at CrossRef.


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Publication Practice and Ethics

Open Communications of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics adheres to the Code of Practice  as discribes by the European Mathematical Society. The President and leadership of the International Society of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics is responsible to monitor the journal and to take action if necessary.