For Authors


Please note that you can only submit your article if it is already on the arXiv or on Hal.

Here is how to submit your article:

Go to My Account in the menu on this page. Then Sign in, or Create account if you don't already have an account for this journal. After you have signed in you will find the item Submit a document in the menu on this page just above My Account. Click on Submit a document and follow the instructions provided there.

After your paper has been accepted for publication, you will be provided with the necessary instructions as well as the journal style file to prepare your paper for publication. 

Note: For changes or additions to article which are already published on the OCNMP website, authors should please contact the Editor in Chief at the email address given below. 

ISSN: 2802-9356.

Abbreviated key-title: Open Commun. Nonlinear Math. Phys.

Contact person:

Norbert Euler