] o c n m p [Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics |
We construct soliton solutions of the four-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten (4dWZW) model in the context of a unified theory of integrable systems with relation to the 4d/6d Chern-Simons theory. We calculate the action density of the solutions and find that the soliton solutions behave as the KP-type solitons, that is, the one-soliton solution has a localized action/energy density on a 3d hyperplane in 4-dimensions (soliton wall) and the n-soliton solution describes n intersecting soliton walls with phase shifts. We note that the Ward conjecture holds mostly in the split signature (+,+,-,-). Furthermore, the 4dWZW model describes the string field theory action of the open N=2 string theory in the four-dimensional space-time with the split signature and hence our soliton solutions would describe a new-type of physical objects in the N=2 string theory. We discuss instanton solutions in the 4dWZW model as well. Noncommutative extension and quantization of the unified theory of integrable systems are also discussed.