Frank W Nijhoff - Lagrangian multiform structure of discrete and semi-discrete KP systems

ocnmp:13809 - Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, July 9, 2024, Proceedings: OCNMP Conference, Bad Ems (Germany), 23-29 June 2024 -
Lagrangian multiform structure of discrete and semi-discrete KP systemsArticle

Authors: Frank W Nijhoff

    A variational structure for the potential AKP system is established using the novel formalism of a Lagrangian multiforms. The structure comprises not only the fully discrete equation on the 3D lattice, but also its semi-discrete variants including several differential-difference equations asssociated with, and compatible with, the partial difference equation. To this end, an overview is given of the various (discrete and semi-discrete) variants of the KP system, and their associated Lax representations, including a novel `generating PDE' for the KP hierarchy. The exterior derivative of the Lagrangian 3-form for the lattice potential KP equation is shown to exhibit a double-zero structure, which implies the corresponding generalised Euler-Lagrange equations. Alongside the 3-form structures, we develop a variational formulation of the corresponding Lax systems via the square eigenfunction representation arising from the relevant direct linearization scheme.

    Volume: Proceedings: OCNMP Conference, Bad Ems (Germany), 23-29 June 2024
    Published on: July 9, 2024
    Accepted on: July 1, 2024
    Submitted on: June 21, 2024
    Keywords: Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems,Mathematical Physics

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