Adam Doliwa - Bäcklund transformations as integrable discretization. The geometric approach

ocnmp:12215 - Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, February 15, 2024, Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi -
Bäcklund transformations as integrable discretization. The geometric approachArticle

Authors: Adam Doliwa

    We present interpretation of known results in the theory of discrete asymptotic and discrete conjugate nets from the "discretization by Bäcklund transformations" point of view. We collect both classical formulas of XIXth century differential geometry of surfaces and their transformations, and more recent results from geometric theory of integrable discrete equations. We first present transformations of hyperbolic surfaces within the context of the Moutard equation and Weingarten congruences. The permutability property of the transformations provides a way to construct integrable discrete analogs of the asymptotic nets for such surfaces. Then after presenting the theory of conjugate nets and their transformations we apply the principle that Bäcklund transformations provide integrable discretization to obtain known results on the discrete conjugate nets. The same approach gives, via the Ribaucour transformations, discrete integrable analogs of orthogonal conjugate nets.

    Volume: Special Issue in Memory of Decio Levi
    Published on: February 15, 2024
    Accepted on: November 27, 2023
    Submitted on: August 31, 2023
    Keywords: Nonlinear Sciences - Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems,Mathematics - Differential Geometry

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